Mã Zip / Post code Christ Church (Barbados)

Christ Church zip / postal code: Bạn có thể tra cứu mã zip / postal code của Christ Church cập nhật mới nhất 2025, mã Zip Codes lấy tự động từ các trang chính thống nên chính xác 100%.

Tỉnh / tiểu bang Barbados có tổng cộng 0 quận huyện và 0 xã / phường, bạn có thể tìm mã zip code của tất cả các khu vực này tại đây.

Zip/Postal Codes

Alkins Land BB17131
Ardennes BB17105
Ashby Gardens BB17133
Ashby Land BB17071 | BB17154
Asphalt Plant BB17008
Atlantic Shores BB17127
Balls Land BB17106
Balls Plantation BB17075
Bannantyne BB17030
Barbados Defence Force BB17110
Best Road BB17025
Boarded Hall Tenantry BB17005
Breedy's Land BB17122
Bright Hill BB17036
Butler's & Montrose Gardens BB17053
Callenders Court BB17105
Callenders Cresent BB17097
Callenders Park BB17097
Callenders Road BB17105
Callenders-Lloyd Court BB17097
Cane Vale Cresent 1 BB17155
Cane Vale Cresent 2 BB17155
Cane Vale Cresent 3 BB17155
Cane Vale Cresent 4 BB17155
Canevale New Rd BB17053
Chancery Lane BB17117
Charnocks 1 BB17087
Charnocks 2 BB17087
Charnocks 3 BB17087
Charnocks Main Road BB17090
Chase Road BB17066
Chickmont Foods BB17077
Church Hill #1 BB17070
Church Hill #2 BB17070
Church Hill Devevelopment BB17070
Church Road Development BB17070
Coral Ridge BB17033
Coverley BB17091
Cox Road BB17004
Crosby Road BB17051
Dash Street Leadvale BB17045
Dayrells Hill BB17033
Dodson Land BB17131
Dolphin Park BB17035
Durant Development BB17005
Durants Fairway BB17097
Durants Park BB17097
Durants Road BB17097
Durants Terrace BB17074 | BB17105
Ealing Grove BB17119
Ealing Park 1 BB17120
Ealing Park 2 BB17120
Ealing Park 3 BB17120
Ealing Park 4 BB17120
Ealing Park 5 BB17120
Edey Village BB17003
Enterprise A BB17134
Enterprise Development BB17131
Enterprise Drive BB17136
Enterprise Road BB17133
Evergreen BB17053
Fair Valley Rocks BB17111
Fairview BB17044
Fairview Main Road On Left Grom Roundabout BB17035
Fairview Road BB17044
Fairy Valley Plantation BB17092
Frere Pilgrim BB17003
Frere PilgrimOn Left From Coral Ridge BB17025
Frere PilgrimPangola Court & Joypa Drive BB17004
Gall Hill Development BB17057
Gall Hill Housing Area BB17057
Gibbons Boggs BB17131
Gibbons Terrace BB17107
Goodland Park & Gardens BB17128
Grandview BB17041
Grantley Adams Industrial Park BB17089
Green Gardens BB17126
Green Hill Close BB17143
Greenhill Drive BB17143
Hannays Plantation BB17009
Hannays Valley BB17008
Hope Field Development BB17084
Hopefield Plantation BB17037
Hopewell Development BB17125
Hopewell Main RoadFrom Roundabout To Sabago Drive BB17138
Inch Marlow BB17122
Jasper Road BB17051
Keizer Hill BB17136
Kent BB17028
Kingsland Crescent BB17050
Kingsland Gardens BB17064
Kingsland Main Road - Welches#108 - 81 BB17061
Kingsland North BB17049
Kingsland Terrace 303 - 742 BB17063
Lands Down BB17126
Lisbon Vale BB17126
Liverpool Gardens BB17129
Lodge Road BB17025
Lodge Road B BB17067
Lower Cane Vale BB17154
Lower Carters Gap BB17134
Lower Gall Hill BB17057
Lower Greys House & Development BB17008
Lower Greys Tenantry BB17005
Lower Lodge Rd. BB17005
Lower Pilgrim Road BB17096
Lower Silver Hill BB17052
Lowland's Plantation BB17078
Lowlands Park BB17079
Lowlands Road BB17078
Lowthers Hill BB17041
Maxwell View BB17143
Mcclean's Road BB17129
Miami Beach To Light House Drive BB17135
Montrose BB17052
Newton Industrial Park BB17047
Newton Plantation Road BB17033
Newton Terrace BB17073
Oistins BB17154
Oistins' Complex BB17154
Oistins' Hill BB17154
Packers Valley & Woodbourne Tenantry BB17016
Parish Land BB17108
Pearl View BB17051
Pegwell BB17136
Pegwell Boggs BB17132
Pegwell Land BB17002
Pegwell Park BB17002
Pilgrim Crest 1 BB17093
Pilgrim Crest 2 BB17093
Pilgrim Place 'a' BB17094
Pilgrim Place 'b' BB17095
Pilgrim Road BB17092 | BB17094
Plumgrove Tenantry BB17065
Pritchard Hill BB17017
Providnce Hill BB17106
Regional Police Training Centre BB17110
Ridge Plantation BB17006
Ridge View Development BB17006
Rising Sun Road BB17046
Rollins Road BB17129
Rose Hill BB17052
Sayers Court From Williams Shop BB17129
Sayers Court Housing Area BB17128
Scarborough BB17068
Sea View BB17113
Searles Factory BB17043
Silver Hill BB17137
Silver Hill Drive BB17140
Silver Hill Landing Scheme BB17140
Silver Sands BB17126
Silver Sands & Round Rock BB17121
Sion Hill BB17017
Skeene Hill BB17033
Slumber Foam BB17078
South Ridge BB17029
Southern Heights BB17096
Southways BB17136
St. Christopher BB17126
St. David's BB17037
St. Patricks BB17017
Stanford BB17065
Thornbury Hill BB17101
Thyme Bottom BB17109
Upper Carters GapEnterprise BB17130
Upper Gall Hill BB17057
Valley Hill BB17017
Valley Ridge BB17155
Waldron BB17037
Waldron Village BB17037
Water Street BB17056
Waverley BB17131
Welches BB17154
Wilson Village BB17066
Windsor Raod BB17008
Windy Ridge BB17072
Wotton BB17006
Yorkshire Development BB17009
Yorkshire Road BB17009

Mã zip / post code các nước khác
